The Boys' Brigade in Somerset

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Black Book


1. To attend and represent the Battalion as required at official functions.

2. To chair Executive and Council meetings, or appoint a nominated deputy as required.

3. The President is an ex-officio member of all Battalion Sub-Committees.

4. To attend Battalion events.

5. To represent the Battalion at Company functions as requested.

6. The President shall convene and chair the President's Committee meetings as and when required.


1. Shall be a member of the President's Committee.

2. To attend to Battalion duties as requested by the Battalion President.

3. To represent the Battalion at Company functions when requested.


1. Entry on to the Honorary Vice President's list is by invitation only.

2. The list to be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting and be re-issued for confirmation by the 1st October.


1. To administer the instructions of the Executive and Council in all aspects of Brigade work.

2. To ensure that the appropriate notice is given of all Battalion meetings.

3. To distribute within 14 days the minutes of meetings held.

4. To coordinate and present the Annual Report.



1. To collate the Annual Returns and prepare statistical returns for the Battalion Annual Report.

2. To process all registration forms for the Battalion.

3. To maintain a current list of all Officers within the Battalion.


1. To manage the finances of the Battalion under the direction of the Battalion Executive.

2. To consider the financial implications of all Battalion events with the duly appointed Officer in Charge.

3. To maintain accounts of the Battalion finances and to report the current situation to each Executive and Council meeting.

4. To liaise with the Battalion bankers.

5. To prepare for the Battalion Accountants a complete reconciliation of all income and expenditure as of the 31st March each year.

6. To inform the Battalion Secretary if any company fails to pay their Battalion fees.


1. To formulate the agenda with the Chairman and circulate to relevant Officers. Circulate the minutes of all Committee meetings.

2. To attend Battalion functions as directed by the Executive.

3. To send a letter of recognition to boys who have achieved their Gold Awards when informed by a Company.

4. The Battalion Executive deems is advisable that the Anchor/Junior Section Secretary shall be in attendance at all Anchor/Junior Section events.


1. To represent the Anchor/Junior Section Committee at Executive and Council Meetings.

2. To report to the Anchor/Junior Section Committee Meetings with appropriate information from Executive/Council Meetings.



To represent The Boys' Brigade interest at all meetings.


1. The Training Convenor shall be Chairman of the Training Committee.

2. The Training Convenor shall be responsible for the efficient running of all aspects of training within the Battalion.

3. The Training Convenor shall liaise with the Treasurer on all Battalion Training to ensure the self-sufficiency of each event.

4. The Training Convenor shall prepare a list of all persons attending Battalion courses and a separate list of qualified personnel.


1. Battalion Training Officers are only approved by the Battalion after gaining the necessary National qualifications.

2. Training Officers shall be members of the Battalion Executive.

3. Attend as required Battalion training courses and events.

4. To represent the Battalion at all other training functions as deemed necessary.


1. Strengthen existing companies.

2 To encourage the formation of new companies in line with the Brigade National Development Policy.


1. To express the views of and represent the Battalion at District Executive and Council Meetings.

2. To report to Battalion Executive, Anchor/Junior Committee and Council meetings with appropriate information from District meetings.



1. To repesent the Battalion on the County Duke of Edinburgh Awards Committee.

2. To advise companies on current D of E policy and guidelines.

3. Shall be a member of the Training Committee.


1. A suitably qualified person will be appointed in this position.

2. To convene a meeting of Bandmasters in the Battalion to formulate the Battalion band activities for the following year, specifically Church Parades and competitions.

3. To assess and authorise Stage 3 awards.


1. To authorise, after checking the appropriate qualifications, boys entering the Queen's Badge Register.

2. To notify the District Queen's Badge Advisor in writing of those boys so entered.

3. To administer the Battalion policy on the Queen's Badge.

4. To coordinate between Captain, Battalion and District.

5. Shall be a member of the Training Committee.


1. To convene and chair the Parade Committee.

2. Check dignitaries are invited by the host company.

3. On the day of the parade the CO has the effective control overall.



1. To liaise with the Parade Committee and host company.

2. To produce the Parade Orders in cooperation with the host company.

3. To assist the Commanding Officer on the day with the effective running of the parade.

4. To arrange rehearsals as required for colour party, etc.

5. The Adjutant may call for assistance on the day to ensure the effective running and safety of the parade.


1. The appointment of CTCV will only be made to a suitable qualified person who holds minimum rank of Lieutenant.

2. The CTCV will be expected to serve on the Battalion Training Committee.

3. The issuing of certificates to suitably qualified students is vested in the CTCV.

4. Organise appropriate Training Courses at reasonable intervals to give all Officers in the Battalion the opportunity to qualify in the theory aspect of Camp & Holiday Leadership and Camp Crafts.

5. The CTVC must keep a record and of all course details and attendances.

6. Where possible the Battalion will provide an opportunity for the practical side of the certificates to be completed.

7. Coordinate visits from information supplied by District.

8. Keep a list of camps visited on a year to year basis.

9. Collate Visitation Report Forms and submit to District/HQ as required.

10. A newly qualified Visiting Officer must be accompanied by an experienced officer on at least one visit before carrying out any solo inspections.


1. Visiting officers are asked to visit camps after formal request from CTVC.

2. Must hold a Camp Qualification Certificate for a minimum period of 2 years.

3. Shall make a written report on each visit and return all documentation to CTVC within 14 days.



1. The term coordinator can be given to a nominated deputy.

2. Be responsible to the Battalion Executive for the efficient and effective running of competitions.

3. The coordinator must liaise with the Company arranging the event to ensure that:-

a) acceptable judges are available.
b) suitable premises are available.
c) all financial implications are considered, and entry fees set.
d) rules for the competition are confirmed to participants.

4. The coordinator must ensure that relevant certificates and trophies are available and that on the day an appropriate person is available to present them.

5. The coordinator must ensure that an accurate record is kept of all trophies and their location.

6. On the day of an event the coordinator must appoint a duty to ensure all rules are being adhered to, and to act as mediator if required.

7. To maintain through the session the appropriate results towards The Creedy and Challenge Shields.

8. To distribute to all companies in the Battalion the results of all competitions and sports events.

9. In cooperation with the companies within the Battalion the coordinator may propose to the Executive rule amendments and additions.

All Battalion Office Bearers will submit an Annual Report to the Battalion Secretary in May of each year for inclusion in the Battalion Annual Report. This report should be as detailed as possible and include any recommendations thought necessary.


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