The Boys' Brigade in Somerset

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Black Book > Battalion Constitution

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OBJECT: The advancement of Christ's Kingdom among boys, and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline self-respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.


1. The Somerset Battalion shall comprise of all Companies within the County of Somerset. It shall also include such Companies from neighbouring counties as shall from time to time wish to be associated with the administration of the Battalion.

2. The function of the Battalion shall be the furtherance of the Object of The Boys' Brigade in and through the member Companies.


3. The Battalion Council shall be convened for:-
a) To determine the principles and policies of the Battalion.
b) To ensure the Spiritual strength of the Battalion.
c) To give active encouragement to the formation of new Companies.
d) To elect such Battalion Office Bearers as are required from time to time.
e) To direct the Battalion Executive in all work that it sees appropriate for the furtherance of the above. It shall meet as and when required. Officers representing one third of the Companies in the Battalion shall constitute a quorum.

4. The Battalion Council shall consist of all enrolled Officers of the Battalion, the Reserve of Officers, and all duly elected Office Bearers of the Battalion. The Reserve of Officers shall not exercise any voting rights.

5. The Annual General Meeting of the Battalion Council shall be held in the month of June every year. At this meeting the Council shall elect for the coming session the following Office Bearers:- President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and such Office Bearers as it shall from time to time determine. It shall appoint Honorary Vice Presidents as and when desirable.

6. The President to remain in office for 2 years, after which he is asked if he wishes to remain in post for an extra 3 years. If the President is in agreement the Battalion will commence looking for a successor after 5 years.

7. All other Office Bearers can be re-elected annually.

8.1 The Battalion Executive shall attend to the detailed administration of Battalion Council policy and to the promotion and organisation of all Battalion activities.

8.2 It is answerable to the Council for all actions that it undertakes. The elected Office Bearers of the Battalion Council, together with all Company Captains and the appointed Chairman of Executive Sub-Committees shall constitute the Battalion Executive.

8.3 The Executive shall have the power to co-opt up to 3 members for any period up to the next Annual General Meeting.

9. An agenda of business to be conducted shall be sent to all Company Captains and ex-officio members of Council two weeks in advance of any Council Meeting. Notice to Captains shall be deemed to be notice to all Company Officers. A special meeting of the Council shall be called within 14 days on request of a:-
(a) Battalion Office Bearer - namely President, Secretary, Treasurer.
(b) By written request signed by 6 representatives of no fewer than 3 Companies stating the object of the required meeting.

10. The Executive shall appoint, as may be required, Sub-Committees to carry out any special work within the Battalion. Sub-Committees shall report to the Executive who shall have the power to review their decisions. In no case shall a Sub-Committee incur expenditure on behalf of the Executive without obtaining sanction for this from the Executive.


11. Each Company shall contribute to the funds of the Battalion a sum to be decided annually by the Council.


12. The Enrolment of persons as Officers within the Somerset Battalion shall conform to the regulations laid down by the Brigade Council.

13. Captains shall inform the Battalion Secretary of the resignation of any officer, any change of address of officers, or any change in the time or place of Company meetings.

14. Any Officers who, for legitimate reasons, is unable to continue in the active work of the Company and whose service it is desired to retain within the work of the Battalion may be appointed by the Battalion Executive to the Reserve of Officers. The names of these shall be reviewed annually at the first Executive of any year.


No addition of alteration to this Constitution shall be made, except at the Annual General Meeting of the Battalion Council. Notice of additions or amendments must be given in writing to the Battalion Secretary, signed by the Proposer and Seconder, 21 days before the Annual General Meeting. No amendment shall be made unless sanctioned by at least two-thirds of the voters.



Men or women 18 years of age or over, and who fall into one or two of the categories listed below:-

a) Prospective Officers who have not completed Basic Training.

b) Prospective Officers who have completed Basic Training, but for whom a period of experience is advisable before appointment as Lieutenant.

c) Persons whose services may be of value in administration or other capacities, but who do not wish, or are not considered suitable, to undertake the responsibilities of appointment as an officer.


Men or women 18 years or over, and who have satisfactorily completed their Basic Training.

For promotion to Lieutenant the applicant must be either a full member of a Church or an adherent to a Church - the decision of what constitutes an adherent to be decided by the Church of which the Company is a part.


A Captain must not be less than 20 years of age, and must undergo the Officer's Basic Training Course and complete the Captain's elements in the Training Manual. Until this has been completed he will be appointed as Acting Captain.


This is normally the Minister or Reverend of the Church to which the Company belongs. Where there is no Minister a layman may be appointed Chaplain, but only if approved by the Church to which the Company belongs.

Chaplains do not need to undergo the Officer's Basic Training Course.


1. The Battalion holds a list of ex-Officers who, for various reasons, are unable to help regularly within their local Company.

2. Officers are placed on the Battalion Roll by:-

a) Applying direct in writing to the Battalion Secretary.
b) At the request of the Battalion Executive.

3. All Officers leaving a Company will be contacted to see if they wish to be entered on the list.

4. Officers are permitted to wear uniform of their rank when asked to do so either by the local Company or the Battalion.

5. Reserve of Officers not holding a Battalion position will be asked to contribute a sum to the Battalion funds each year. This figure to be agreed at the Annual General Meeting.

6. Information and a request for this sum will be issued by the 1st September of each year. Payment should be received no later than 1st January of the following year.

7. The Reserve list will be reviewed at the first Executive held each year. If the sum requested has not been received by that date Officers may be removed from the list.

8. Officers who have been inactive or 5 years or more, and who become reinstated within a Company will be expected to attend a Renewal Course as soon as possible after reinstatement.

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